Tuesday 18 August 2015

IDS a liar? Tell me something I don't know.

Today the world of social media erupted when a FOI request submitted to the DWP revealed that the department had faked claimants stories, relating to benefit sanctions, to portray a positive spin to their evil wrongdoings.

Outraged, the Twittersphere was suddenly bursting at the seams with tweets abusing, mocking and deriding Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith under the collective #fakeDWPstories

Some people appeared genuinely shocked - and in that respect I was amazed.

After all us British migrants, living within the (supposedly) legally protected EU, have been dealing with the crap meted out by this government department for many years now.

We even had the misfortune to come up against the now Labour leadership candidate Yvette Cooper when she was at the helm of this ship... and while she talks of social justice today during her campaign, I can tell you that she was anything but "just" back in 2009.

This link to a debate in Westminster Hall tells the story, with her Minister for the Disabled acting as her henchman and mouthpiece... and like her successor IDS, Ms Cooper can also be seen to have the deaths of claimants firmly on her record:


Anyway, back to the deception by IDS and his DWP cronies, which has #fakeDWPstories merrily trending while I am writing this.

His actions are nothing new and nobody in their right mind should be shocked by them. Instead maybe folk could start taking more notice of what the Tories are doing to other minority groups with no voice or UK public support.

Yes, British migrants living in other EU countries... otherwise known as expats and all the stereotypical claptrap that goes with that old Empire title if you are stupid enough to read and believe the Daily Mail or Express!

Because less than a year ago IDS pulled another big fat lie out of his bag that has condemned many OAPs to the worry of how to afford to heat their homes this winter.

I'm not even going to bother writing the nitty gritty details of IDS' disgusting and disgraceful treatment of elderly folk - including those who fought in WW2 to protect their land and bring about the freedoms we enjoy today...

Instead I'll just leave this link here for you to read through at your leisure:


Iain Duncan Smith a liar?
Tell me something I don't know.

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