Tuesday 14 May 2013

In or Out?

As the news media rumbles on about the possibility of an EU in/out referendum, I would just like to give an alternative view - that from the perspective of a retired expat, renting a small home in northern France, living on basic State Pension... and definitely not the champagne-quaffing, chateau-residing, sun-worshipping stereotype that the media likes to enforce upon the word "expat".

If the good British public do indeed vote in 2017 to leave the EU, then I can only hope that, if the Tory's draft parliamentary bill for an in/out referendum is passed, they have put a strategy in place to ensure that suitable social housing is available for the expat exodus back home.

In this respect, it is worth noting - and for the benefit of those UK residents who believe the Daily Mail rhetoric about expats - that on our return the UK will become responsible, once more, for all the benefits that we do not receive while living in another EU country... like Pension Credit, Cold Weather Payments, Free Bus Passes, Free NHS treatment & prescriptions (we have to pay insurance here to get medical treatment), Housing Benefit, and Council Tax Benefit - to name just a few.

I appreciate the anger that is caused by news stories of EU immigrants, for example, claiming UK Child Benefit for children who have never set foot in the UK... that enrages us expats too.

While Labour challenges every step of the Welfare Bill (and doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that non-workers should earn less, not more, than the employed), we are all witnessing immigrants (EU and otherwise) entering the UK and picking up benefits, almost immediately, which we are not permitted to receive despite individually having paid in over 44 years of contributions to the UK coffers!

So if the good British citizen does choose to leave the EU... then hang the bunting out at Dover... and have the welcome mat on the doorstep of our nice social housing retirement bungalow. We're coming home!

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